Saturday, June 9, 2012


2nd to 8th June 2012

The sun is shinning brilliantly in the crystal clear, sparkling blue Winter sky, I love the warmth, it makes me smile and takes away some of my pain.  This week I am still unwell and have not been able to attend school, I have been back to the doctors who has put me on another lot of antibiotics, I still have infection in my left ear, fortunately my chest is clear of infection now however my lungs are tight so I have to use asthma puffers. 

With being ill I have spent much of my time resting, doing some school work when I feel well enough, some reading and watching some DVD's.  We had some atrocious weather during the week, massively gusty winds combined with heavy rain and temperatures which dipped below double figures for the maximum.  We were not the only ones with dreadful weather, Sydney really suffered severely from the winds and storms. 

Last Saturday Nalani ran in a Cross Country Pointscore event, the skies looked gloomy and opened up just as she began to run.  It was a 4km race at Weston Park, she ran extremely well, she was 8th overall and was the fourth female.  When she finished her shoes were steaming from the heat of her feet and the icy cold rain that was falling. 

It was Jarrett's 17th Birthday on Monday, he was not well with a virus so could not do too much, however he did enjoy a pizza dinner and a delicious ice cream cake to celebrate his special occasion.  His illness stopped him from running in the ACT Schools Cross Country Championships, if he ran with an infection, he could of faced more severe illness.  Based on his excellent performances at other events hopefully he will still have a chance of being selected to represent the ACT at Nationals later this year.

I had a very special visitor on Sunday, my best friend from school, Emily, who moved to Sydney.  It was so lovely to see her, her sister Jess and her Mum.  Unfortunately she could not stay too long because I was unwell but she is hoping to make a return visit in another month. 

On Tuesday I had physiotherapy with Kaitlyn, I was so relieved to be able to see her, as I had not had it the week before because I was just not well enough.  She released my spine which was twisted to the left and right, she also released my neck which was rather stiff, then I had the wonderfully warm and soothing heat packs on my back.  I will not know have physiotherapy for another two weeks as Kaitlyn is going on a special holiday, however she has left instructions for Nalani and she will be able to massage me. 

I also had a visit from Wendy, my wonderful CNC from Sydney Children's Hospital, she visited with Sally my special nurse in Canberra and they were checking on how I was and it has been decided to increased my dosages of my pain killer called oxycodone.  It does make me feel rather drowsy but apparently I will get used to the higher dosage and it will not make me as drowsy but it will help my pain a little more.  Oxycodone is an opioid narcotic pain reliever similar to morphine. Oxycodone is used to treat moderate to severe pain.

I am catching up in Footy Tips, only two behind Nana now, poor Pop has fallen quite a bit behind but you never know, he may have a few really good weeks and catch up.  I was so excited that the Tigers won last week 40-0 beating the Raiders, I would have loved to have shared the excitement but was just not well enough to be there.  I hope that their success continues, their early season storm is now turning into a rainbow. 

In the next couple of weeks I hope to be sharing some extremely splendiferous news with you all, it is another way that we can raise funds for the Brain Tumour Fund as well as something very special for me. 

May you all stay well, warm and spread happiness to others who come into your lives.


Anonymous said...

HI Dear Dear Dainere, Isnt it great when the sun shines especially in winter , it is so nice to have the sun on your back .

Meryl and I wondered about schooling for you this week , you made the right choice of staying at home , and doing what you can when you felt up to it. WE hope you will soon be able to back to school.

Wow yes Dainere Sydney had it bad this last week, luckily , the most damage we had was some bonsai trees blown off the stands outside and pots smashed .

Oh wow , congrats to Nalani , thats a great result , hahaha like the bit about the steam coming from her shoes .

Poor Jarrett , we hope is making a good recovery now Dainere.

How nice for you to see your best freiend from school, Emily , and her sister and mum , a shame you could not spend long with them .

Where would we be without physios Dainere , they are so good and give such great releif .

We hope the increase in dosage of the oxycodone gives you pain relief and that you get used to the increased dosage .

I just heard on the radio that your Tigers won another match , on Friday night ?? Hope im right with as you now how hopeless i am with football . hahahah

Meryl and i look forwerd to what you have to say about the brain tumour fund , we watch RPA Dainere ,. and they had a return story about a mum who had a terrible brain tumour , and is now in remission and she wanted to help raise money for brain tumour research , she organised a dinner and it grew and grew and ended up being massive fund raiser .

Also we look forward so much to hearing about the something special for you .

WE have Meryl's cousin coming over from Wales soon they are coming to follow Wales in the Rugby tests and will be staying with us just for one night .

WE went to see The light festival last night at circular quay , i will send you some of the photos for your collection .it was so cold , I had my Chullo on from Peru hahaahah , Meryl laughed , but it kept my head warm .

Well our dear friend , thats all from me .

Lopts of love to you , take care , we pray you have a good week. lots of hugs and kisses .

Stuart and meryl

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely Dainere,

I'm so sorry to hear that your cold is persisting. I hope that the medications that you are taking will make life a little more bearable for you very soon.

I hope that you are enjoying today's glorious sunshine. Those minus five degree nights are worth experiencing when they are followed by days like today!

Good luck with the footy tipping - I hope the Tigers game this week is not as one-sided as it was last week............!

Lots of love and big, warm hugs,

Anna xoxoxoxox