Saturday, March 23, 2013


16th to 22nd March 2013
The clouds were grey and dismal, the rain came falling like tears from heaven, the winds ripped and roared, today was such a dreadful day.  Then as if by magic in the afternoon the sun pushed determinedly through the heavy clouds and the skies turned blue.  I breathed a sigh of relief, for tomorrow is our School Fair, I am so looking forward to having my stall and hopefully raising as many funds as I possibly can for The Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation Brain Tumour Research Fund. 

Last weekend was spent working on assignments, it is important to me to do my very best, I can’t work solid, I do a little then have to have a rest, before I can do anymore, so for me it takes so much longer to complete a task.  So what someone can do in an hour would take me the whole day. 

This week at School for English I got to see Bell Shakespeare – The Players, Macbeth Undone performance.  I thoroughly enjoyed it; there were four actors, two females and two men who were able to portray the story splendiferously. They put a modern day twist on the classic and it made it so much easier to absorb.  I especially loved the characterisation the actor who played Lady Macbeth did, she was so believable and strong, which is exactly how she should be played.  I would highly recommend this group to any school who is studying Shakespeare.

In Sports Science we have been working on components of fitness and investigating different types of training, like continuous training, circuit training, resistance training and plyometric training, just to name a few.  Next week we are doing a circuit training practical lesson and also our school cross country. 

In Maths we have begun our new unit on Money Matters, we are looking at simple and compound interest at the moment, we have worksheets to complete and some work on the computer.  Money Matters is a unit that covers day to day maths that we all really need to understand.

I was so thrilled to have my physiotherapy appointment again this week, Kaitlyn worked on my buttocks and neck.  I did not feel as much relief as I normally would but that is probably because I missed a week.  However those heat packs, they are just wonderful, I wish they never had to be taken off.

I also had a visit from my care team.  I now have my panamax and oxycodone at the same time so I am getting a double hit of pain relief at the same time rather than trying to spread them out.  My oxycodone has also been increased and I can have break through doses when required.  The team were looking at slow release pain relief that lasts longer, but due to my swallowing issues, this was not an option.  My nurse is going to check on me again next week to see how I am going and the doctor has written up morphine on my medication chart, in case my pain is unable to be controlled with the present medication.

I am leading the footy tipping competition, last week I got six correct and it was so exciting that my Tigers won their game, Benji Marshall was just exceptional.

Many thanks to Kay, Anna, Stuart and Monique for their contributions to my Fair Stall, you are all so wonderful and together we will hopefully make that difference through the funds that we can raise to help researchers continue their work. 

Two very special people lost their battles with disease this week, Rodney and Sylvia, my prayers and sympathy goes out to their families during this difficult time, may you be comforted by the special memories that you hold in your heart always. Life is so precious we do not know how long each of us have, so live each and every day to its fullest.

This special quote comes from a little box of beautiful and inspiring quotes given to me this week by Elizabeth; it was extra special meeting you.

‘With each good thought that we offer to mankind, we perform a new miracle’ 



Anonymous said...

Dear Dainere,

So glad the weather improved for the School Fair.

It is always great to see a Shakespeare play when you are studying it. It gives a different perspective. Not just words on a page.

The Tigers did well last night too!

Hoping all went well at the School Fair.

Yes, live each and every day to its fullest!

Lovely quote.

Sending rainbows,



Anonymous said...

Dear Dainere,
It was a very special day for me on Friday, meeting two beautiful people, your Mum and yourself.
What a perfect day for your school fair. I knew those clouds would disappear! I hope your stall was successful.
I'm so pleased the doctors have been able to sort out your pain medication.
Good luck with the cross country.
Your determination to succeed is amazing.
I am a better person for having met you.
Have a good week.
Elizabeth xo